Prices of packages depend on square footage and complexity. Most services can also be offered a la carte. Please schedule a free consultation to get a better idea of cost and why our work is worth it.
The 10-hour Virtual Consulting Pack
If you are interested in tackling a project yourself but would like some input, guidance, or help as the need arises, this pack might be perfect for you:
10-hours of virtual consulting that can include anything from researching materials, to sending recommendations, reviewing bids, doing virtual walk-throughs or project check-ins, and answering any questions that arise. The pack is not limited to a single project and is good for 1 year.
Package 1 | The Dreamer
A thorough, 1-on-1 walk-through of your property or specific room to identify areas where functionality and aesthetics can be increased and how these updates can raise the value of your property
A plan, sketches, and design board, plus 2 revisions
A cost estimate on the discussed scope
Package 2 | The Do-er
Everything in The Dreamer Package, plus:
2-3 accompanied visits to a design or home improvement store to select materials and finishes
Unlimited virtual review of selections
2 Check-ins while the work is being performed
Package 3 | The Relaxer
Everything in The Dreamer Package, plus:
Selection of materials finishes
Project bid-out to several contractors and selection
Project Management
Professional photos of your finished space